Quantitative dot blot analysis (QDB™) is an improved version of dot blot analysis. By quantify directly the individual dot using a microplate reader, this method is able to transform the traditional semi-quantitative immunoblot into a quantitative assay by defining first the linear range of the analysis.
The other improvement of QDB analysis is that this assay can be easily converted into an assay to measure the absolute level of an individual protein by including the protein standard in the analysis.
The introduction of QDB™ method allows both absolute and relative quantification of individual proteins in a large number of samples. It is conceivable that parallel analysis of the same sample using multiple antibodies can be performed with this method in high throughput fashion to build an absolute proteomic pool for clinical and basic research.
Different from the current available proteomic database, the absolute nature of the proteomic pool build on the QDB concept allows addition of new data from various sources (different times, different locations, and different operators)to become a growing proteomic database. The scientists worldwide will also be able to comb the proteomic pool worldwide to cherry pick the right individuals to serve their individual needs without worrying about the validity of the information as common found in the relative database.