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QDB Plate

QDB Plate
Cat#QDB1001 Newly developed multi-unit plate for quantitative dot blot (QDB) analysis. The plate is designed to achieve high throughput immunoblot analysis in any lab.

We offer new customer two QDB plates free of charge (plus $20 for shipping and handling fees), please contact directly for more plates


Feature & Specs

96 unit plate for quantitative dot blot (QDB) analysis. 124mmX81 mm with 96 units. The loading area is 12.6mm2. The plate can be easily fit inside a typical 96 well plate for processing.

Product Catalog

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Cat# Product Biomarker
QDB Plate
  1. 1 QDB plate
QDB Companion Kit
  1. 2 96 flat bottom plates --incubation of antibodies
  2. 1 white 96 well plate --for ECL reaction
  3. 1 8-tuple PCR tube --for standard protein dilution
  1. 1 QDB plate
  2. Reagent A: TBS diluent 1L
  3. Reagent B: Tween-20: 1ml
  4. Reagent C: Skim milk diluent 100ml
  5. Reagent D1*: ECL-A 0.75ml
  6. Reagent D2*: ECL-B 0.75ml
  7. Reagent E*: HRP-labeled secondary antibody
  8. Reagent F*: PBS+BSA(IgG-free) 1ml, 0.25ug/ul (dilute protein standard, color)
* 4°C
Note: QDB2001 Kit does not contain 1st antibody and protein standard.
QDB Her2 Kit
  1. 1 QDB plate
  2. Reagent A: TBS diluent 1L
  3. Reagent B: Tween-20: 1ml
  4. Reagent C: Skim milk diluent 100ml
  5. Reagent D1*: ECL-A 0.75ml
  6. Reagent D2*: ECL-B 0.75ml
  7. Reagent E*: HRP-labeled secondary antibody
  8. Reagent F*: PBS+BSA(IgG-free) 1ml, 0.25ug/ul (dilute protein standard, color)
  9. Reagent G*: 1st antibody (anti-Her2 antibody) —10ul
  10. Reagent H*: A set of protein standards (standard Her2) protein
* 4°C

Note: the products are covered by Pat. US9933418 & Pat. US10295544 only. Not covered by Pat. US 10788484. For research use only, not for commercial purpose.